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Hardwood Flooring in Kingsville & Essex, ON

Hardwood is a timeless flooring option that adds luxury and style to your home. A & A Flooring Limited has a wide selection of solid and engineered hardwood flooring in our Kingsville and Essex, ON showrooms. Hardwood is a versatile flooring option which can be installed in nearly any room in your home. We can help you choose the right shade, species, and type to match your style, needs, and budget. New hardwood floors improve your home’s look and offer a significant return on investment if you ever plan on selling. If you are interested in upgrading your home, stop by a showroom today or schedule your free in-home consultation to get started.

hardwood floor

Is Engineered Hardwood Right for My Home?

Engineered hardwood has a unique manufacturing process which differentiates it from traditional hardwood flooring. Instead of being made entirely from hardwood, they have a high-quality plywood core with a hardwood surface, providing the same aesthetic benefit. However, a downside of engineered hardwood is that the surface cannot be sanded down and refinished as often as traditional hardwood, leading to a shorter lifespan. Its affordable price point makes it an attractive option for homeowners who value luxury while also increasing their buying power.

Discover the Benefits of Traditional Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors are one of the most popular flooring options and for a good reason. We have a wide selection of traditional hardwood flooring types from some of the top-name brands in the industry, including 1867 and Richmond Hardwood. Dark hardwood can add a sense of warmth and comfort to your room, while lighter hardwood can help a smaller room seem larger. Our team of designers can help you select the perfect hardwood for your home. Some benefits of natural hardwood flooring include the following:

Classic Look

Unlike other home trends, hardwood never goes out of style, so you can feel confident your home's floors will look fantastic for years.


Hardwood floors are made from solid wood. Its manufacturing process allows it to be sanded down and refinished if scratched or dulled.


When properly finished, hardwood floors are stain and water resistant, making them great for dining rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms.

Home Value

Regarding return on investment, you won't find a better flooring option than hardwood.

Find the Best Selection of Hardwood Floors in Our Showroom

New flooring should be at the top of your to-do list if you’re considering remodeling your home or updating a room. A & A Flooring Limited has a wide selection of natural and engineered hardwood flooring types available from the industry’s top brands. We can help you choose the right style for your home. We offer in-home consultations to ensure your new flooring matches your home’s existing style. Hardwood floors look amazing and can significantly increase your home’s value. Contact our team today to schedule your design and installation.

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